Discover the power of Om Rudraksha Nazar Battu Bracelets. Designed for spiritual protection and style, these bracelets are perfect for everyday wear and warding off negative energy...
Pixiu BraceletAttract Wealth, Abundance, Ward Off Evil Spirit, Bring Good
The Pixiu provides a minimum of six blessings as follows:
Conducts good luck and fortune
Generate good Feng Shu..
Unakite BraceletUnakite Jasper brings together the abundant, nurturing
energy of green with the soft, caring passion of pink in one of Nature's most
healing crystals of the heart and mind. It resona..
Tiger Eye Bracelet :This crystal can be used for maintaining and growing wealth.
The Tiger Eye is also known to help create understanding and awareness, it can
also be a great stone to use when you ..
Rose Quartz BraceletThis crystal is also known as the ‘love crystal’. This stone
is commonly used for attracting and keeping love, as well as protecting
relationships. The Rose Quartz can also help ..
Malachite is offen called the(Stone of transformation) and is
used for deep energy cleaning brings healing and positions
transformation to the weather. ..
Lava Braceletit is used
for calming the emotions.
Note : For
this bracelet pour 2 drops of essential oil on this bracelet leave it for
overnight and then use it...
It often used to help one, two recognize the impact of their own actions and behavior.
It also brings mental awareness and facilitates calm communication. ..
HematiteThis particular crystal is often used to ground and balance
you in your life. It can be the perfect stone to have if you are under stress
and need to feel calm and centered. This crystal can..
Carleniyan BraceletIt increases personal power, physical energy, gives courage and boosts creativity and companion. It also increases blood circulation, appetite (hungur).it eliminate problems of..
Blue Sand Stone Bracelet1). It is used for increasing telepathic ability 2). It is mainly used for actors or any one who appears in the media profession.3). Seeking fame and help to gain recognit..
AmethystThe Amethyst is a crystal which has been known to be used to
help cure hangovers and also drunkenness. This particular crystal is also said
to be good for helping people connect to their spi..